CMU Aesthetic

     On the average day at Canadian Mennonite University you would see more Birkenstocks and Blundstones than you thought you could imagine one meeting place could have. If you were to describe ask a CMU student to describe the average CMU student, they would most likely start with one of those two choices of footwear. Next they would move on to the clothing. Walking around campus and going up to any group of students, it would be a difficult task to find a group where at least one of them wasn't wearing something handmade or something they found at a thrift shop. These are absolute staples of the CMU aesthetic. We seem like a collective of hipsters with our trendy clothes and our long, flowing hair, always ready for a picnic, hike, or game of spike ball. We also love our toques, rain or shine, and representing camping, fishing, and outdoor gear brands. It almost comical how CMU students can tell the difference between someone who is studying at CMU or at another school when we see them in Marpeck. 


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